American Studies Minor

AMS-1001American Culture and Conflict3
AMS 4998 American Studies Capstone3
Select three of the following courses9
History of Medicine in America
Special Topics in Biology: Honoring the Parks
Changes in Corporate Culture & Your Career
Popular Music
Movie Vision: Fiction and Film in American Cinema (Honors)
New York, New York: From the Great Depression to the Current Downturn
American Music
American Art
Commemorative Practices in the United States
Art of Social Change in the US United States
Art in New York City United States
Blues, Jazz, and the Harlem Renaissance
New York on Location: Walking Tours in The City
Topics in Public History
Interpreting the 1960s
American Cultural History - Colonial Era To Present
The Atlantic World
Seminar: Amsterdam and New Amsterdam
Race and Place in Brooklyn History
New York City American Urban Experience
Walt Whitman's America
Constructing Gender in American Literature & Culture
America in the 1940S
Crime, Justice, and American Fiction
American Nobel Laureates
Blues, Jazz, and the Harlem Renaissance
Latin American Philosophy
American Philosophy
The Story of American Evangelicalism
Brooklyn Jews
Immigrant to New York
Interpreting the 1960s
Latino Culture and Literature
Crime, Justice, and American Fiction
Total Hours15