Science (SCI)

SCI-1301  Environmental Science  (3 Credits)  

The ecology of natural systems; resources and energy; formation and consumption of fossil fuels, nuclear energy, and the environment; pollution; the problems associated with air and water pollution; solid waste; noise; legal and economic verifications of governmental policy towards pollution.

Typically offered: As Needed  
SCI-5001  Religion and Science  (3 Credits)  

Cross-listed with: REL-5350. An interdisciplinary, team-taught honors seminar that explores the dialogue that is occurring between scientists and theologians. It examines the historical context of the methods of inquiry used in the sciences and those used in religion and the similarities and differences between them. Included are varied case studies where scientists and theologians are engaged in dialogue.

Fulfills General Education Requirement: HON  
Typically offered: As Needed  
SCI-5002  Honors Sem: Understanding Our Environmen  (3 Credits)  

At the heart of the Franciscan tradition is a quest to live a more moral and authentic life where our role is to serve as custodians of the earth. As custodians it is vital that we acknowledge the current state of our environment and to act in ways that improve that status. To this end it is necessary to be able to evaluate information pertaining to the environment and to place that information in its proper perspective. This course will lead us in an investigation of the history of environmentalism, Global Warming, Energy, Water Availability, and Biodiversity. By the end of this course you should be able to critically evaluate issues of environmental concern and to determine the best way that we as individuals, and as a group, can be agents of positive change and, thereby proceed as custodians of the earth.

Fulfills General Education Requirement: HON  
Typically offered: As Needed  
SCI-5003  Short History for Nearly Everything Honors Sem: Understanding Our Environmen  (3 Credits)  

Science is not, as you may imagine, a series of technically dense theories, with heavy calculations and mind-bending feats of logic. Oh no! Science is interspersed with humour, betrayal, sadness; the full range of human experience. and a series of technically dense theories with heavy calculations and mind-bending feats of logic. This course will not only provide you with an overview of the best scientific ideas of what we currently understand, but also the various trials and tribulations of the personalities of those individuals that brought us those ideas.

Fulfills General Education Requirement: HON  
Typically offered: As Needed